
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fulfill Your Complete Potential

There are four mental laws you need to know and work with in order to fulfill your complete potential.  The first of these is the Law of Habit.  This law says, “Whatever you do repeatedly eventually becomes a new habit.”  In its simplest terms, this means you can develop any habit of thought or action you desire if you just repeat it often enough and long enough.
The second law you must know and use is the Law of Emotion.  This law says, “Every action that you take is stimulated by an emotion of some kind, either positive or negative.”
You can think of emotions the way you would think of a campfire.  In order for the campfire to continue burning, you must continue to put wood on the fire.  If you stop putting fuel on the fire for any period of time, the fire will eventually go out. 
The things you think about most of the time are very much like logs on the fire.  If you think about what you want and how to get it, most of the time, more and more of your mental abilities will be focused on achieving the goals you have set for yourself.  But because your amount of “thinking time” is limited, when you discipline yourself to think only about what you want, you stop putting wood on the fire of your negative emotions.  As a result, you begin to eliminate the doubts and fears that hold most people back. 
This brings us to the Law of Concentration.  This law says, “Whatever you dwell upon, grows and expands in your life”. 
In other words, whatever you think about most of the time increases.  More and more of your emotions and mental energies become focused and concentrated on what you are dwelling upon.  The more you think about your goals, and how to accomplish them, the faster you will move toward them.  You will focus more of your emotional energy on them, and you will have less energy available for the problems, worries, and concerns that preoccupy most people. 
The final law is the Law of Subconscious activity.  This law says, your subconscious mind accepts any thought, plan, or goal created by the conscious mind and then organizes your thoughts and behaviors to bring that goal into reality.”  Whatever thoughts or goals you repeat over and over again in you conscious mind are eventually accepted by your subconscious mind.  Your subconscious mind then goes to work, 24 hours a day to coordinate you thoughts, words, and actions to bring those goals into your life.
Your conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time, either positive or negative.  You may be capable of thinking hundreds of thoughts in a row, but you can only think of one thought at a time.  And you are always free to choose that thought.  An essential success habit is the habit of keeping your mind focused clearly on the person you want to be, the goals you want to achieve, and the steps you must take to achieve those goals.  
When you make a habit of thinking and talking most of the time about where you are going and how to get there, you take complete control of the development of your self-concept and your personality.  You step on the accelerator of your own potential.  You move yourself onto the fast track in your life.  You begin to move ahead at a speed that will amaze you and everyone around you.
From Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy. 
Ted Harris
Academy Mortgage
801 896-2064  Office
801 564-1800  Cell 

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